Lean In…

Lean In…

Sometimes as I start to consider my goals for the upcoming year (generally around Thanksgiving). I’ll also come up with a theme for the year. I haven’t really had one for the last couple of years but this year I just keep getting the impression that I need to “Lean In“. So much so that I’ve decided to make this year’s theme and to that I’ve added Lead On and Lift Up. These three thoughts together make up my theme for 2023.

Lean In: To me this is telling me that I need to lean into my goals or my original intent. I need to put energy into what I believe God is leading me to do. I’ve learned from my garden that what I water grows or where we put our attention will generally thrive and grow. Likewise if I ignore something or pay it no attention or in the positive (negative) if I avoid it (purposely) am I not causing its early demise or strangling it before it has a chance to prove it’s self. Very possibly true, so this year I’m going to lean in to this avenue of my ministry/business.

Lead On: Sometimes people need to be lead, they don’t know it but they do. People are looking for someone to take the lead. I want to lead well in 2023. Wether it be in my business dealings, community roles, or personal life I want to take the bull by the horns and lead on through 2023. If projections prove true it may end up being a difficult year for all of us which will require decisive leadership at all stages, I want to be here for that. Lead where I need to, and offer guidance where necessary but be ready at either point.

Lift Up: We all need a good dose of encouragement now and then. I want to be the one offering the encouragement someone may need, the one who gives them the extra push to accomplish their dreams to move the needle forward. I want my life to be filled with encouraging words for those who need it, a ready kind word in time of need to give a little hope to a world that has none or that is seriously lacking at best.

I’m not exactly sure how those three things will play out, but its more of an attitude toward the things I’m doing rather than a list of things to accomplish. So this year I’ll be focusing my attention to Lean In, Lead On and Lift Up what will you be doing?