Every team has to have a strategy if they are going to win. A strategy for offense and for defense and for the un expected.
developing a plan and doing so strategically will help your organization succeed and move forward.
Those who fail to plan…plan to fail. Chuck Smith
developing a strategic plan can be a daunting process.
Acting strategically can be the difference between getting there and getting no where…fast.
Adaptable because you’ve considered multiple options and looked at both your strengths and weaknesses.
Strategic Planning is at its core about change. It’s about making your company better and moving into a new direction or refining an old product/program and doing intentionally. When we set about to develop a strategic plan you are saying you want to make things better, improve systems, offer new services, expand or grow your ministry. Bottom line you want to make change happen not have change “happen” to you. When we seek to set out a strategic plan you are being intentional about growth, creating opportunity, and allowing for adaptability. This combination is what makes a strategic plan strategic and not just another piece of paper or pie in the sky idea.
Change they say is inevitable, change just happens. We are either the force behind change or the bump in the road resisting it. If we look at it from a strategic point of view we see change as something we want we put ourselves in a better position to handle change that is not planned. If we are intentional in our actions we have already anticipated any obstacles and our counter response. But if we are too busy to properly plan then when we encounter external change or obstacles we spend too much time considering our reaction we lose ground in advancement and end up somewhere we don’t want to be.
Preparing a strategic plan creates opportunity, through the development process we are looking for new opportunities or exploring outside of our conventional box to see new avenues and paths we may take as an organization, examining our strengths and weaknesses and looking for ways to improve. It is in this exploration that we find new ideas or paths not yet considered. We unearth new needs or concerns in society and new ways to meet those needs through services and programs or products.
Adapting or innovating as you go is a lot easier if you already have a plan. One of my college professors used to say that a failure to plan results in worse issues when something goes awry as now instead of adapting to an existing plan you are “planning” on the fly doing double duty if you will to make things happen. Rather than already having systems, material, or props already in place now you are struggling to gather everything you need for the original activity and the “new” adapted version.
Strategic planning although sometimes seen as cumbersome or boring by some provides for long term sustained growth and adaptability, provides validity for funders, peace of mind for staff, and purpose for board members and the community at large as they look on your organization or church as purpose driven and a worthwhile mission to join and serve along side.
I don’t know, maybe. A strategic plan or even thinking strategically takes time that’s why people don’t always do it. But if you do it can provide great benefit for you or your organization. It also works well for funders and funding, it shows that you are forward thinking on their end and it allows you a filter on your to determine whether or not a grant opportunity is the right fit for your organization. So why should you develop a strategic plan?
First it gives accountability. A strategic plan will generally lay out goals and objectives in multiples areas of emphasis in the organization. Depending on the level of detail it will also assign dates and who is responsible for accomplishing each step. A step by step plan to accomplishing the new stated goals.
Second if properly developed it has sought input and by-in at each step while being developed. This is important later when working with your team to accomplish quarterly and annual goals. Gives by-in
Gives direction
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