Why are you here?


Something or some one brought you here.

You’re looking for something, but not quite sure what it is. Maybe you do know and you’re looking for strategic planning or board development then check out our solutions page. Maybe you’re looking for a workshop presenter then check out our strategies page. Or maybe you just need some motivation then check out our speakers page.

Still not sure? Let me help you out is there an elephant in your board room? Something that needs to be discussed but no one is willing to bring up. Are you stalling and not moving forward? Feeling like something is missing? Experiencing mission drift? Team doesn’t feel like a team?

There are probably a host of other questions that could fit here but I’m going to address only a few and try to help you

Elephant in your board room?

What is an elephant in the board room or elephant in the room? It’s some thing or issue that no one wants to talk about, but everyone knows exists. It’s there and needs to be addressed, but no one is willing to bring it up. Just like an elephant it’s bigger than the group and is blocking everyones view. Views of the other side of the room, your view outside, viewing each other. It could also be blocking your view of the future or some other problem that may be arising.

If this is your case then you need one of our solution programs probably mediation or board development, we will help lead the discussion so you don’t have to, we come in as a neutral third party and help move the discussion forward.

See our Solutions page for more information

Sensing a lack of community?

You can feel it, no one is getting along, everyone is at each others throat. The community you once had is lost, there’s no cohesiveness everyone is doing their own thing. Maybe it’s time for some good ol’ fashioned group work and team building exercises.
Or maybe your team just needs to have some good healthy discussions but needs someone to moderate.

See our strategies page for more information

Something missing?

Without vision the people perish Pr 29:18. No one likes to wander aimlessly with out direction and people need something to believe in. Do people believe in your cause? Do you have great plans and dreams that motivate people to get involved? Maybe you just need a recharge and recommitment to some old principles.

See our solutions page for more information

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Board Health

Have your board take this short quiz to determine how healthy they are as a group.



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Click here to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Still not sure?

Contact us here with your question

Need a


Need a trainer for your next inservice training for your church, business or organization? Check our strategy page for available workshops.


How to reach us

